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Working at home
Working at home


​Relax Kids

Behaviour & Anger Management


Understanding Friendships

Well Being Assessments


Self Esteem & Confidence

Coping Strategies


Improved Wellbeing

Bridging the Communication Gap for Children, Families, and Schools

Children and young people often express themselves through their behaviour, struggling to regulate and articulate their feelings and needs. Families, though well-intentioned, can also face challenges in communicating effectively, sometimes in ways that may not align with societal expectations. Meanwhile, schools are under pressure to achieve high grades and maintain near-perfect attendance, which can conflict with the immediate survival needs and social norms of the families and children they serve.


Working with high-priority pupils is often time-consuming and challenging, especially when services are stretched, and thresholds for support are high. My goal is to bridge the gap between all parties involved with the child or young person, ensuring their needs are understood and met.

​Often, it's the informal chats with children and young people that make the most impact—the spontaneous conversations in the office or while walking through the yard. I can build on this by meeting young people in a comfortable setting, whether it’s for a hot chocolate or a walk with Mac.

With my background in education, I understand that interventions often need to be measured. We can work together to ensure our approach is both meaningful and effective.

The Power of Informal Conversations

benefits of relax kids

Relax Kids with Mike

Here is some additional information on Relax Kids, and the impact it can have in schools.

Relax Kids aims to give children access to a variety of simple, yet effective techniques for relaxation, mindfulness and stress management that are developed and delivered in a fun and creative way.


We believe that relaxation, mindfulness and a positive outlook are the keys to good mental health, self-esteem and motional resilience.


Our mission is to give children and young people the tools they need to help them manage stress and anxiety and to be more resourceful when facing the challenges of daily life.


We support parents, teachers and those working with children and young people through our quality resources and training.


We want children and young people to feel happier, more positive and empowered with skills for life!


Marneta Viegas


June 2014

Success of Relax Kids in Schools

Learning Outcomes:

  • Increase concentration, focus and attention

  • Help pupils identify and manage emotions

  • Improve learning and school performance

  • Build sustainable strategies to manage stress and anxiety

  • Reduce negative thinking and behaviour

  • Aid self-control, emotions and conflict resolution

  • Equip pupils with simple behaviour management strategies.

  • Improve listening skills, social and communication skills

  • Reduce anxiety, bullying and peer pressure

  • Improve positive thinking, confidence and self-esteem






*The Relax Kids system was used in a project run by CAMHS. It was awarded the 2011 Nursing Standards Mental Health Award.


The project has been run in schools in North Herts.


“As a mental health professional, I know the difference a relaxed mind can make towards improved concentration and behaviour.” - Deborah Bone Emotional and Mental Health Advisor CAMHS.






Sylvester Primary School in Knowsley reduced their fixed term exclusions from 19 to zero in 3 years after using the Relax Kids programme.


Relax Kids was used as a whole school approach.


There were short daily relaxation sessions throughout the day, weekly Relax Kids lasses and lunchtime classes, after school Relax Kids clubs, Daily class affirmations and special Relax Kids event during Health Week and Friendship Week. Two relaxation rooms were created, and every class had a Pupils’ overall level of emotional literacy rose and the number of incidents has fallen, and parents and teachers have reported healthier and happier children.


Using the NFER Emotional Literacy Assessment and Intervention tool, Sylvester Primary School was able to

directly measure the impact of their approach to the social and emotional aspects of learning

since introducing Relax Kids.


After Relax Kids 3-year pilot, 91% of pupils in the school scored average, above average or well above average on

their overall level of emotional literacy on the NFER scale.


The school also measured a dramatic improvement in pupil behaviour. The number of serious behaviour incidents,

including aggressive or violent behaviour, or serious disrespect halved in the first year, halved again the following

year and continued to fall in the final year of the pilot. Incidents of repetitive low-level disruptive behaviour also

fell by 20%.


Ofsted gave the school an ‘Outstanding’ for emotional well-being, personal development and pastoral



The Knowsley Education Authority were so impressed with the results, the Relax Kids Programme has been

introduced to all fifty-seven schools in the Borough!




In a project in Durham 163 pupils' people aged 3-15 years have taken part in Relax Kids in 15 schools. 


At the start of the projects, 96% of participants scored low on their relaxation levels or high on hyperactivity. 


Approximately 85% of participants reported they felt calmer and more relaxed. 


98% of participants requested more sessions. 


School staff reported positive changes such as children increased confidence in quieter children. 


“There was a lovely atmosphere in the room, it felt calm and safe. One of the pupils is very lively, talkative

and fidgety; he was engaged and relaxed throughout. I will definitely use the programme again as

I was very impressed with the results.” - Teacher

Over 150 teachers in Durham use Relax Kids in their school.


“Overall, the Relax Kids project has been a great success with 98% of participants requesting more sessions.

This is just the beginning!” - Wendy Minhinnett.




Over 250 teachers in Northamptonshire use Relax Kids in the classroom.


Teachers have noticed a big difference in the ability of their pupils to focus on their work and the children are much calmer after listening to a CD or doing other relaxation exercises. 


In one Year 3 class the teacher was surprised at the speed at which the programme started to impact on class morale.


The link Educational Psychologist noticed a difference in the class after 6 weeks of using Relax Kids, especially for one child with possible mental health and social problems.


“As a Local Authority teacher for mental health I wholeheartedly recommend Relax Kids to all schools I work with. Individual children and whole classes love to use the exercises and resources, which provide them with a great sense of emotional wellbeing. Relax Kids is wonderful for teachers, teaching assistants and learning mentors, especially used alongside SEAL materials, and also for some of the more troubled youngsters.”"

- John Fardon - Mental Health Teacher



Northern Ireland


A Relax Kids project funded by the Public Agency Mental Health and Suicide Prevention was run in ten schools across the Western Trust area of Northern Ireland. 265 children participated including 3 special schools totally 33 pupils with special needs. The schools were a mix of urban and rural. Weekly sessions were run over 6 weeks. Parents reported their child's self-esteem, self- confidence and mood were raised after using Relax Kids.


They also noted a difference in behaviour, sleeping habits and attention span at the weekends. Teachers recognised the importance of "quiet time" and were able to incorporate this into their classroom which heeled them feel less stressed. Special needs students showed most outstanding results. Teachers noted that concentration levels improved.


The relax kids' facilitators also noticed that pupils a weekly improvement in how the children participated in each session. Some children who weren’t able to participate at the start due to either confidence issues or special needs, by end were able to fully participate.


As the programme developed the children’s concentration and listening skills vastly improved as did their ability to become calm and peaceful at the end, in fact the amount of time they were able to relax was doubled by the end from one song to two.


“Relax kids has enabled the children to develop their positive thinking and given them the tools to manage their feelings and behaviour. The children have developed their life skills in a fun way and the positive contribution it has made to their overall emotional intelligence and wellbeing is evident.” - Principal, Omagh County PS


Relax Kids Ltd have provided all the necessary letters, information and promotional materials for parents and children, including service agreements to use between Mike Ogden Mentoring and your school/organisation.

evidence relax kids
evidence relax kids
Below are some of the themes available through Relax Kids, ages are a guide.
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